Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
313 lines
Title EXECOM: convert an .EXE file to a .COM file
comment !
EXECOM 1.1 Copyright (c) 1988 Thomas G. Hanlin III
1712 Maple Hill Pl.
Alexandria VA 22152
Note: This was assembled with the excellent OPTASM assembler. Slight
modifications may be needed in the way of JMP pointers, MOV size
pointers, and so forth if you're using MASM (yuck).
Sseg segment byte stack 'prog' ; dummy stack segment
Sseg ends
Cseg segment byte public 'prog'
assume cs:Cseg, ds:Cseg, ss:Sseg
org 100h
MAIN proc far
xor dx,dx ; number of parms
mov cx,dx
mov EXITCODE,cl ; assume no errors
mov cl,ds:[0080h] ; get parm length
jcxz Inform ; inform 'em if no parms
mov si,0081h
ScanParms: lodsb ; get a command-line char
cmp al," " ; is it a space?
jbe ScanLoop2 ; yes, ignore it
mov di,offset OUTFILE ; assume output file name
inc dx ; increment parm number
cmp dx,2 ; check it
ja Inform ; too large, inform 'em
je SaveFileName ; default OUTFILE is ok
mov di,offset INFILE ; input file name (string)
SaveFileName: stosb ; store a char of the filename
dec cx ; are we done yet?
jz ScanDone ; yes, exit
lodsb ; get another char
cmp al," " ; is it blank?
ja SaveFileName ; no, must be a filename chr
ScanLoop2: loop ScanParms ; keep looking for parms
ScanDone: or dx,dx ; any parms?
jz Inform ; no, inform 'em
dec dx ; only one parm?
jnz ChangeExts ; no, go change extensions
mov si,offset INFILE ; input file name
mov di,offset OUTFILE ; output file name
DupeFile: lodsb ; get an input char
or al,al ; is it null?
jz ChangeExts ; yes, done- change exts
stosb ; store char in output name
jmp DupeFile ; keep on truckin'
Inform: mov dx,offset INFORMATION
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov EXITCODE,255
jmp Abort
ChangeExts: mov si,offset INFILE ; input file name
Change1: lodsb ; get a char
or al,al ; are we done?
jz AddExtIn1 ; yes, needs extension
cmp al,"." ; is it a period?
jne Change1 ; no, keep looking
ChangeExt2: mov si,offset OUTFILE ; output file name
Change2: lodsb ; get a char
or al,al ; are we done?
jz AddExtIn2 ; yes, needs extension
cmp al,"." ; is it a period?
jne Change2 ; no, keep looking
lodsw ; is the extension ".EXE"?
cmp ax,"XE" ;
jne OpenFiles ; no, go open the files
lodsb ;
cmp al,"E" ;
jne OpenFiles ; no, go open the files
sub si,3 ; pretend there's no ext
AddExtIn2: dec si ; move back to the first null
mov di,si
mov ax,"C." ; install a ".COM"...
stosw ; ...file extension
mov ax,"MO" ;
stosw ;
jmp OpenFiles
AddExtIn1: dec si ; move back to the first null
mov di,si
mov ax,"E." ; install an ".EXE"...
stosw ; ...file extension
mov ax,"EX" ;
stosw ;
jmp ChangeExt2
;------------------- Everything's set up, let's open the files ----------------
OpenFiles: mov ax,3D00h ; open file for read
mov dx,offset INFILE ; input file name
int 21h
jnc InputOpenOk
mov bl,1
jmp ErrVector
InputOpenOk: mov INHANDLE,ax ; save input file handle
mov bx,ax
mov ah,3Fh ; read from file
mov cx,24 ; 24 bytes
mov dx,offset LASTBYTE ; data buffer
int 21h
jnc ReadOk
mov bl,9
jmp ErrVector
ReadOk: mov si,dx
mov di,offset EXE_SIG
movsw ; set EXE_SIG
movsw ; set EXE_EXCESS
movsw ; set EXE_PAGES
movsw ; set EXE_RELOCCOUNT
movsw ; set EXE_HDRSIZE
add si,4
movsw ; set EXE_SS
movsw ; set EXE_SP
add si,2
movsw ; set EXE_IP
movsw ; set EXE_CS
mov bl,3 ; default error code
cmp EXE_SIG,"ZM" ; is the signature ok?
jne ErrVector ; nope, error
inc bl ; inc error code
cmp EXE_RELOCCOUNT,0 ; any relocations needed?
jne ErrVector ; yes, error
inc bl ; inc error code
cmp EXE_SS,0 ; is there a defined SS?
jne ErrVector ; yes, error
cmp EXE_SP,0 ; is there a defined SP?
jne ErrVector ; yes, error
inc bl ; inc error code
cmp EXE_CS,0 ; is there a defined CS?
jne ErrVector ; yes, error
inc bl ; inc error code
cmp EXE_IP,0 ; is the IP = 0?
je ChecksOk ; yes, it's ok
cmp EXE_IP,0100h ; is the IP = 0100h?
jne ErrVector ; no, error
ChecksOk: mov bx,EXE_HDRSIZE
mov cl,4
shl bx,cl ; CodeStart in BX ****
mov ax,EXE_PAGES
dec ax
mov cx,512
mul cx
sub ax,bx
sbb dx,0 ; CodeSize in DX:AX ***
jcxz NoDribble
add ax,cx
jmp GotCodeSize
NoDribble: add ax,512
GotCodeSize: adc dx,0
or dx,dx ; is it too large?
jz CheckIP ; no, keep on truckin'
mov bl,8
ErrVector: jmp ErrorExit
CheckIP: push ax
cmp EXE_IP,0100h ; is IP right for .COM files?
je IPok ; yes...
mov dx,offset WARNING
mov ah,9 ; display warning message
int 21h
IPok: mov dx,bx ; CodeStart
xor cx,cx
add dx,EXE_IP
adc cx,cx
mov ax,4200h ; move file ptr from start
int 21h
mov ah,3Ch ; create file for write
mov dx,offset OUTFILE ; output file name
xor cx,cx ; normal file attribute
int 21h
pop si
jnc OutputOpenOk
mov bl,2
jmp ErrVector
OutputOpenOk: mov OUTHANDLE,ax ; save output file handle
sub si,EXE_IP ; ignore IP bytes
mov dx,offset LASTBYTE ; buffer location
mov cx,32 * 1024 ; buffer size: 32K
; ----------------- Just copy the code from the EXE to the COM file -----------
WriteLoop: or si,si
jz Done
cmp si,cx
ja ReadBlock
mov cx,si
ReadBlock: mov ah,3Fh ; read from file
int 21h
jc ReadError
mov ah,40h ; write to file
int 21h
jc WriteError
sub si,cx
jmp WriteLoop
ReadError: mov bl,9
jmp ErrorExit0
WriteError: mov bl,10
;---------------------------- Error exit handler ------------------------------
ErrorExit0: push bx
mov ah,3Eh ; close a file
mov bx,OUTHANDLE ; ...output file
int 21h
pop bx
ErrorExit: mov EXITCODE,bl
mov ah,9 ; display error message
mov dx,offset FATALERR ; "Fatal error: "
int 21h
mov si,offset CANTOPEN ; first error message
CheckErr: dec bl ; is it the error msg we want?
jz GotError ; yes, got it
FindErr: lodsb ; get a char
cmp al,"$" ; end of message?
jne FindErr ; no, keep looking
jmp CheckErr ; see if it's the right one
GotError: mov dx,si ; pointer to error message
ErrDone: mov ah,9
int 21h
cmp EXITCODE,1 ; did we open the input file?
je Abort ; no, don't close or delete
Done: mov ah,3Eh ; close a file
mov bx,INHANDLE ; input file
int 21h
cmp EXITCODE,0 ; successful conversion?
jnz Abort ; no, just exit
mov ah,41h ; delete file
mov dx,offset INFILE ; ...the original input file
int 21h
Abort: mov ah,4Ch ; terminate program
mov al,EXITCODE ; error exit code
int 21h
MAIN endp
WARNING db "WARNING: The default IP is not 0100h.",13,10
db "The output file will not be executable.",13,10,"$"
FATALERR db "Fatal error: $"
CANTOPEN db "Unable to open input file",13,10,"$"
CANTMAKE db "Unable to create output file",13,10,"$"
BADSIG db "Input file is not a valid .EXE file",13,10,"$"
RELITEMS db "There are items requiring relocation",13,10,"$"
BADSTACK db "A stack is defined",13,10,"$"
BADCSEG db "A code segment is defined",13,10,"$"
BADCOFS db "The code offset is neither 0 nor 0100h",13,10,"$"
TOOBIG db "File is too large (.COM would be over 64K)",13,10,"$"
CANTREAD db "Unable to read input file",13,10,"$"
CANTWRITE db "Unable to write to output file",13,10,"$"
INFORMATION db "EXECOM 1.1 Copyright (c) 1988 Thomas G. Hanlin III",13,10
db " Purpose: converts an .EXE file to a .COM file.",13,10
db " Format : EXECOM inputfile[.EXE] [outputfile[.COM]]",13,10
db "$"
EXE_SIG dw ? ; EXE signature
EXE_EXCESS dw ? ; bytes in excess of the 512b EXE_PAGES count
EXE_PAGES dw ? ; code size, in 512b pages
EXE_RELOCCOUNT dw ? ; count of items in the relocation table
EXE_HDRSIZE dw ? ; header size, in 16b paragraphs
EXE_SS dw ? ; default SS
EXE_SP dw ? ; default SP
EXE_IP dw ? ; default IP
EXE_CS dw ? ; default CS
EXITCODE db ? ; program error exit code
INFILE db 80 dup (0) ; input file name
OUTFILE db 80 dup (0) ; output file name
LASTBYTE db ? ; final data byte, used as start of file buffer area
Cseg ends
end MAIN